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Birmingham Widening Access to Medical Sciences (BWAMS)

Birmingham Widening Access to Medical Sciences (BWAMS)

Welcome to the official page of Birmingham Widening Access to Medical Sciences (BWAMS)!

Who are we?
BWAMS believes the NHS should be representative of the people it serves. We are a society of over 100 students who work to widen participation in Medicine, Dentistry, and other healthcare degrees. We work to support and inspire students from all backgrounds, particularly those historically underrepresented in medical sciences, to pursue healthcare careers.

What do we do?
We host a huge range of outreach initiatives and events as part of our work. This includes healthcare admissions conferences, local school visits, school teaching programmes and mock interviews. In the past year, we have reached thousands of students across the UK – and some international students too! We organise 3 healthcare admissions conferences, over 100 virtual mock interviews and a healthcare schools programme for primary, secondary, and Sixth Form students – all supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds. We are honoured to be doing the work that we do and the heart-warming feedback we receive continues to drive our work further.

What do we have planned for 2023/24?
In the upcoming academic year, we hope to host more in-person events and continue to build on our outreach work from last year. We will also be making our society more inclusive of all courses that the College of Medical and Dental Sciences offers. This means there will be a huge range of volunteering opportunities for you to get involved in – from conferences to schools visits. 

Why join BWAMS?
Volunteering with BWAMS is free and is a rewarding experience with lots of CV enhancement opportunities. Sign up to our mailing list to get our opportunities, and then decide which ones (if any) you would like to help with! You will receive a certificate for your university portfolio for every opportunity you help out with.

Working with BWAMS is a personally and professionally rewarding experience, with opportunities to make an impact both through personal interactions with students and presenting our work at a national and international level.

Check out our socials to stay updated with all our events and volunteering opportunities. We can’t wait to work with you! 🙂

How to get involved:

                Online Virtual Conference for Year 12 students


Check back soon for more event announcments

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